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Mock Framer Motion with Jest

Mock Framer Motion in Jest with React.Forward Reference component animations

Mock Framer Motion with Jest

Mocking framer motion in Jest with React forward ref components was a pain 🔨, we were able to solve that problem with the below code. 

jest.mock('framer-motion', () => {
  const FakeTransition = jest
    .mockImplementation(({ children }) => children);

  const FakeAnimatePresence = jest
    .mockImplementation(({ children }) => (

  const motion = {
    a: jest
      .mockImplementation(({ children, ...rest }) => (
        <a {...rest}>{children}</a>
    li: jest.fn().mockImplementation(({ children }) => children),
    span: jest.fn().mockImplementation(({ children }) => children),
    small: jest
      .mockImplementation(({ children }) => <small>{children}</small>),
    h4: jest.fn().mockImplementation(({ children }) => <h4>{children}</h4>),
    h2: jest.fn().mockImplementation(({ children }) => <h2>{children}</h2>),
    p: jest.fn().mockImplementation(({ children }) => <p>{children}</p>),
    div: require('react').forwardRef(({ children, ...rest }, ref) => {
      const { whileTap, animate, initial, variants, ...divProps } = rest;
      return (
        <div {...divProps} ref={ref}>
    button: jest
      .mockImplementation(({ children, ...rest }) => (
        <button {...rest}>{children}</button>
    custom: jest.fn().mockImplementation((props) => props),

  return {
    __esModule: true,
    motion: motion,
    AnimatePresence: FakeAnimatePresence,
    default: jest.fn(),

Thanks for reading

Cheers ✌🏻